Thursday, November 17, 2011

I thought about waiting until tomorrow but... (11/17)

I just couldn't hold out. I needed to come on here and tell everyone that we received some fantastic news today. Two weeks ago, Dr. Pallera told us that he would like to see Elizabeth's tumors at least 50% percent reduced in size by the end of chemo treatments. Weeellllllllll, guess what? You know it - they have shrunk 90% in just three treatments. It was better than we could have ever hoped for. I know people may say she was unlucky to be stricken with this cancer but no need to dwell on that...well, now we are just damn happy to have this treatment working so great. We are so very blessed!

We went to see Dr. Pallera ahead of tomorrow's chemo treatment (#4 of 6). Her blood work looks great - so good, in fact, that she will not need the neulasta shot on Saturday. Her white blood counts were really high so even with a treatment, they should be ok for the next 3-4 weeks. She received her CT scan at 10:30 or so and we waited. We were sitting in the exam room waiting on Dr. Pallera and she was so nervous that the results wouldn't be that great. I told her not to worry - even if it wasn't ideal we still had 3 more treatments plus radiation. Everything would be fine I kept telling her. Little did we know how great the news would be. Dr. Pallera is so stoic in his demeanor that you can never get a read on him. Sometimes you'd like to just put your hand on his shoulder and say "Doc...just hit us with it, will ya?!?" But I saw a really interesting look in his eye - like he was about to deliver some wonderful news. If you don't know what that news is by now just re-read the damn blog people! Haha. Kidding.

Tomorrow is obviously the next chemo treatment. Elizabeth's parents are headed to Memphis tomorrow to help out. Hopefully this treatment and the few days after will go smoothly. They have been ok to date so we are just hoping for status quo. Then we get to FINALLY go back to Louisiana for Thanksgiving. We haven't been "home" in so long. We can not wait to see everyone. It's been too long. And we have sooooo much to celebrate this Thanksgiving - so very much to be thankful for. Family and friends and the outpouring of support to name a few things.

This journey has been interesting to say the least. We are ready for it to be over but know that there are some rough times ahead. That is why I am so happy about today - just proof that things are getting better. I think back to when she first told me about her "lump". We are so lucky to have caught this illness so early - there is no doubt in my mind that the early detection has allowed the chemo to work so well. I know I've said it before but I want to remind everyone - YOU know your body better than anyone. If you feel something that isn't what you think it should be, keep an eye on it. If it's making you nervous, go see a doctor. Believe me, a 2-3 hour doctor's appointment will be well worth the peace of mind and in our case - it was a potential life-saver.

We want to continue to thank you all so very much for all of the thoughts and prayers. They are working! I also want to tell my dear Elizabeth that she is the strongest damn woman I've ever been around. I have the privilege of watching this rockstar on a daily basis. She is just amazing! I don't think that I can accurately describe her in any other way!

I'll update everyone on the chemo treatment this weekend. I've got my fingers crossed.

We send our love to you all!!!


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Chemo #3 update (11/10)

Hi all - I suppose it's long overdue for another update. Elizabeth had her last chemo treatment this past Friday, 11/4. Everything went well that day but it didn't seem to go as smoothly as the last treatment. She felt a little different than the last time but I guess that is just the way it goes with this stuff. Three treatments in and the one thing that we can predict is that it will be a tad unpredictable.

I had my mom, dad, sister, and her boyfriend come up to Memphis this past weekend - so that was fun! We went to a reception for Tiffany and Aspen this weekend, which was absolutely beautiful. Grace and Craig came with us (sister and boyfriend) and LSU made the night even better!!! Elizabeth got to get a manicure and pedicure Saturday during the day - right after receiving her 2nd Neulasta shot. I think that this time it was a little rougher than last as she was a little more "achy" on Sunday and Monday. I am guessing that the Neulasta was the culprit again - though I can't be sure. The good part, though, is that I think that we have found the right combination of anti-nausea meds for her. She seems to be only slightly nauseated for the few days after treatment. It seems as if the Emend is working very well (headaches aside)!

She went back to work yesterday and as expected, enjoyed it! Weirdo. Haha. We are going to watch our little Anna in a cheer event tonight. Can't wait. I know she has enjoyed this so much so we are really looking forward to it. I think I probably like this better than dance recitals - mainly because of choice of music. I also love watching Lyla at cheer practice...she LOVES it! Dances and laughs so much. It'll be a good time, for sure!

As for what's next - well, Elizabeth will see Dr. Pallera again next week. At that point, she will have another CT scan done to see if the tumors have gotten smaller (fingers crossed!). Then chemo #4 will be 8 days from now. Luckily, we get Thanksgiving week off and can FINALLY go back to Louisiana! It has been so long and we can not wait to see everyone. It will be a truly special holiday for all of us and we are just really happy that we can be home to share it with our family and friends.

We are halfway home in the treatment cycle. By the time Christmas gets here then chemo should be done. What a blessing! We continue to say thank you very much for all of the kind words, thoughts, and prayers. They mean so very much to our family. Also, because I love football so much this story has truly disturbed me - please say a prayer (or keep these people in your thoughts) for the victims of the child molestation incidents that took place at Penn State. Their lives are forever changed and no matter what happens, those memories will haunt them forever. I know that they are singled out but because of the high-profile nature of this incident, it will only get worse for them.

Again, thanks everyone. Have a wonderful day!