Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ahhh...the week of hell (9/25)

Well, I am certain that this week HAS to be better than the one that just ended. First, the news of Elizabeth's illness, then I've been sick (little thing, I know!), and then we found out that my grandfather passed away yesterday! Man, things seem to snowball when it's going bad! I don't want any pity - heavens knows that there are others in this world that are dealing with far worse than I am. It's just been one of those weeks destined to make my bottom 10. Our grandpa (GP for short) was one cool cat. He was kind, giving, and loving of all of my cousins and I - a big teddy bear. I guess what I'll miss most was watching him and Anna play. Gosh, he loved her soooo much. It was a privilege to call him my grandpa and for all the time I got to spend with him, I will be forever thankful. I know that he is in a better place, especially since the last year or so had been a struggle for him. See ya on the other side, GP.

On to the weekend - so far so good. Although I haven't felt good, Elizabeth has. She is dealing with the biopsy quite well. Much better than anyone could have expected. Of course, she worked all day yesterday. She sure does love her clients! She has been just a little sore - so I guess I am now not the only pain in her ass (although she may disagree)! My sister, Grace, and her boyfriend, Craig, came up here on Wednesday. I can't begin to thank them enough. It has been so helpful to have them here - and quite a good distraction from the chaos in our lives right now. We got to watch the LSU game last night. In typical LSU style - we made it close and then dropped the hammer! Love this team. They make me smile (and bite my nails)! We are getting ready to watch the Saints game - and I'm getting ready to take down Rance in fantasy football. When you read this Mr. Little - you'll be on your way to 1-2 whilst the man, aka Scott, goes to 3-0. Does anyone care about my fantasy football team? Didn't think so...oh well. Had to throw that in there. Karma will likely laugh at me and we'll both be 2-1 after the weekend.

The week ahead will be a stressful one - doctors appointment tomorrow, Elizabeth's surgery to place the port Tuesday along with GPs funeral, and then chemo starts on Wednesday. But you know what - we are just going to tackle this thing head-on! No doubt that things have been bad but it makes us appreciate the good ones so much more. How could anyone ever know if things are bad if they haven't been good before? Well, we have had a blessed life so this puts it in perspective for us. Although losing a family member is awful, we got to know him and love him for so long. That is something that a lot of others don't have and for that we are grateful.

In leaving I want to share a saying that I read on another blog, a guy named Jeff Guyer, who lost his battle with sarcoma in June. His blog was the inspiration behind me doing this for Elizabeth. It seemed therapeutic to him and it has been for me. He used the quote, "Breathe in hope, Breathe out love!" I love this quote. Hope you do too!

1 comment:

  1. Wow here I've been antsy for a new blog never expected to hear about your grandpa! So Sorry I certainly understand! Its crazy I think about how God says he doesn't give us more than we can handle..its impossible to not compare our trials to others but it certainly humbles me! Sitting back and praying for u guys so much I definitely believe God is using u guys as a witness to others. Hands down u guys are on his super power team! Know we LOVE u all very much and will continue to pray and be here for u as much as u need!!! Remember psalm 46:1 :) we love u guys muah
