Friday, September 30, 2011

Chemo update (9/30)

Hi everyone. I just wanted to drop all of you a quick line about Elizabeth. As you probably already know, she had her first round of chemotherapy on Wednesday. She felt pretty good yesterday - even went into work and played at the salon for half a day or so. Overall, I think the first 24 hours went about as good as could be expected. She slept well last night so that was a good thing (thank goodness for phenergan!)

Unfortunately, she is feeling all that good today! Booooo! She said she is nauseated and has a headache! I know that she is really fatigued so when I left for work she was going to try and lay down for a while. The other anti-nausea medication - zofran - has slightly mitigated the symptoms for now but she still feels uneasy. I know this is the downside of chemo so it's likely just the first of many days over the next few months that will be kind of rough for her. I am hoping that she will bounce back pretty quickly - she has been drinking lots of water and eating as much as she can - all good things. We bought her some chocolate shakes (Ensure and Special K) and I think she'll try those out if she doesn't feel like eating very much.

I guess that this comes with the territory but it sucks! I desperately wish that I could trade places with her but I suppose the best that I can do is help her out as much as possible. She's a tough woman - more than she knows so she'll be fine in the long run. I know that so many have texted or messaged her over the last few days. If she hasn't sent anything back - just know that she has tried to keep up. I'll see if there is anything that she needs me to follow-up with when I get home from work.

I'll keep everyone updated on the next 24-48 hours. That's all for now folks!




  1. Hi! My name is Keren and I go to church with Christina Marbury at Mullins Station Baptist Church. We are all praying for your family and Elizabeth's treatment and recovery!

    Our young women's small group would like to help ya'll out in anyway way we can. Christina said that she knows people are bringing meals and that perhaps we could also pitch in with that.

    Please email me ( or contact Christina so that we can organize some dates/times that we can bring ya'll dinner.

    Psalm 18:2
    The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the hornof my salvation, my stronghold.

  2. Yay so true we are praying and I absolutely love u guys So so much!!!
