Friday, September 23, 2011

Bone Marrow Biopsy

I just wanted to drop a line to everyone and let you guys know that her bone marrow biopsy went extremely well today. I was very nervous about the procedure - mainly because I didn't want the entire treatment program to get off on the wrong foot. I had heard some not-so-wonderful things about this procedure and I was afraid that it would be a lot more painful (physically) than many of the things that she will have to endure. However, she made it through like the champ that she is. She told me (in a very loopy state) that she didn't feel much at all. The sedatives had her in la la land. I just smiled because my prayers for her comfort were answered today.

We'll keep you posted on other things. She is having her echocardiogram done right now. That should be pretty easy. Heck, most things seem easy for her - from a physical standpoint. She says she can't tolerate that much pain. I just laugh. She never cries or moans about pain...she is one tough little cookie. Love that woman.

That's it for now. I'll check back in soon.

Keep sending those prayers and good thoughts this way...they are helping tremendously.

Thanks everyone,


1 comment:

  1. Scott, thank u so much for updating this blog. So many people love her and are praying for her and for u, Anna and Lyla too. So happy she has a strong, loving husband to battle this with her.
