Friday, October 14, 2011

2nd day of chemo......NOT!!!!

Well today didn't go exactly as planned, and if anyone really knows me I freak out when that happens.

Let me start by telling you that my brother Darren wanted to come up here this weekend to come with me to my 2nd treatment of chemo (and to see my sweet girls). So he and my nephew Derek drove up here on Thursday morning. Darren drove me to work today so that I could take care of a couple of my clients, then came back later to pick me up to accompany me to the West Clinic. I tried to schedule my chemos for after lunch on Fridays, so that I can work for a while on those mornings.
 My appointment was at 12:30pm. They called me back to draw my blood soon there after. Then we went back to another waiting room to wait to be called back for chemo. After about 15 mins, a nurse comes out to break the news to me...... She tries to explain to me in the nicest way possible that my white blood count numbers were too low to receive chemo today, and that we have to come back next Friday now. (WHAT???) Naturally, I was so upset. I couldn't hold back the tears. My poor brother didn't know what to say. I have planned and arranged my schedule now through December.(I know that sounds crazy, but my life revolves around a schedule. ) So I immediately think about my appointment book at work. This stinks!! I hate more than anything not being in control of my schedule. I just want everything to work out perfectly,(impossible right now i know) and there are many bumps along this road. Ultimately my health comes first, and my sweet clients do understand. I know I have to adjust and get used to this craziness, but it does't mean I have to like it. (ugh!!!)They are now planning to give me a blood booster shot on the days following my chemo treatments to hopefully prevent this from happening again.

I went back to work later today. Amber and I had to reschedule all of my clients that are on the weeks I am suppose to be receiving chemo now. Thank you Amber. Your the best!

This week is going to be better from now going forward. I just know it. (My hubby comes home from a conference tomorrow.)
Thank you everyone for being so supportive though this emotional time. I really appreciate all of the prayers too.

Love you all,

Elizabeth Noel


  1. Praying for you Elizabeth! :)XOXO

  2. Hi Beth and Scott!

    I stumbled upon your blog page while checking out fb while on-call tonight. My heart breaks that you guys are going through such a tough time right now. But it swells so much to see all the strength and love you have been able to come away with. I know it has been a million years since we have gotten to catch up, but please know that I just think the world of you two, and I miss you guys! I am here for you if you ever need anything at all. I will continue to follow you on this journey and please do not hesitate to let me know if you ever need an ear or anything else! Sending all my love and support,

    Holly Gonzales
