Friday, October 7, 2011

Doing Great......Thank You!!!

Well......I am now in the middle of my week off from chemo. I have been back to work this week, and I have felt completely normal. These past few days have been great. Working, taking care of the kids, running Anna here and there, all of my normal daily activities have been easy for me this week. It does feel awesome to have complete control of things, even if it is just for a short amount of time. I'm pretty sure I will be receiving chemo next Friday, so I will be living this feeling up all week. YEA!!! 

Also, just wanted to thank everyone for keeping us fed so well. We appreciate all of the meals we have been receiving. I tell you what, I am getting very spoiled having dinner brought to us every night. I don't know what I'm going to do when I actually have to cook a meal again.  No but for real, it has been so nice not having to think of whats for dinner every night. So thank you to everyone that has pitched in for our meals. 

And one more thing..... Thank you to all that have been sending me all of the sweet texts and thoughtful emails. I have not been able to respond to all of them, so just know that I am getting them and they do all make me smile and lift my spirits when I receive them. So keep'em comin!!! 

Love ya'll bunches,

Elizabeth Noel

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