Friday, October 21, 2011

A Good Chemo Day (Treatment 2)

This was me taking a picture of myself receiving chemo today (you can tell by the cord coming out of my I can't believe I am sharing this pic with everyone. WOW, my forehead looks I promise my hair is not receding that much yet, just a bad camera angle.

My chemo session went as good as it could have gone today. It was a boring 2 1/2 hours. Scott was good company, but he was on his I-pad looking up LSU stuff on most of the time. So I just entertained myself by writing in my journal and playing on facebook.(and I took pictures of myself as you can tell) Fun, fun.

Thank you for all that participated in getting all of the pictures together, so that my wonderful friends Rhonda and Rance Little could make me a very memorable scrapbook. Looking through it made me a little teary eyed I'll have to say. Brings back alot of memories. It means the world to me that my Louisiana friends and my Memphis friends teamed up somehow to make that happen. I don't have the words to say how much it really means to me. The only thing I can say is that I FREAKIN' LOVE IT. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!

Love you all for being so sweet to me and my family,

Elizabeth Noel

1 comment:

  1. Sweet Elizabeth,

    First of all, I've been there! (lol) It is interesting how they don't really tell you how "bored" you'll get waiting for those stupid bags to empty. Secondly, you are beautiful inside and out....and as you've told me over the years, "the great thing about hair is it will grow back." (I wonder if your hair might come back straight, fine, and blonde? If so, we'll reverse roles and I'll give you styling tips!) Finally, I just want to tell you this journey you are on will change you ways you could've never imagined. You'll come out of this with so much more compassion and with a passion for life that will in turn make you a better wife, daughter, sister, mother, friend, etc. (not that you need any improvement!) I can't tell you how many times in the last six years that Michael and I've talked about not wanted to lose the lessons that we learned in the process. So, stay strong. Be brave. And FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS! This will be behind you before you know it! Much love and many hugs, Jennifer
