Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Can't sleep tonight...(10/3)

I was just laying in bed watching Elizabeth sleep (and the end of the Tigers/Yankees baseball game). Ok, so my eyes were mainly watching tv but it didn't stop me from peaking over a few times to see her resting comfortably in bed. I wanted to go to sleep but I just couldn't. Tried but no luck. When I am sitting there quietly, my mind starts to wander all over the place and start thinking of random things. Tonight though, my focus is more on Elizabeth. What is it that makes her so special - so special that God has asked her to bear this burden of cancer? Certainly He knows that she is of superhuman strength, right? Of course. (*see end of message for little known fact about Elizabeth) Certainly He knows that she is a fantastic mom that loves her two kids more than anything in this world, right? Of course. Certainly He knows that she is the consummate professional - one that would do whatever it takes to be the best hair stylist that she can be, right? Of course. And lastly, He knows that she is the best soul mate that anyone could ever ask for, right? Undoubtedly so.

I want to describe Elizabeth to those that may not know how remarkable she is. She is always there for our family...no matter the time or effort required, she will go above and beyond what should be done. She makes and takes time to take care of our girls and to attend all the functions that go along with them. She teaches, nurtures, listens, corrects, and loves our girls with hesitation. And she ain't a half-bad cook either. :-)  Does this sound familiar? Does your spouse do this for you? I bet the men that read this will more than likely agree knowing a lot of the ladies that read this blog. So I ask myself if I am doing enough to help her - not just right now, but always. She doesn't complain (to anyone but me and occasionally those at work, haha)...hell, she hasn't complained one bit about getting cancer. It's just not in her DNA. I guess what I am ultimately trying to say is that this whole experience (the little that we've gone through up to this point) has taught me that I need to be a better husband and father. I wasn't bad (at least I hope not) but I can strive to be better. She deserves it. I bet most moms and spouses deserve it. 

Moving on - I guess that I am going to have do to something BIG to be a bigger inspiration to my girls! How can I top a rock-star, cancer-survivor mom? Ha. I think that being a cancer patient and survivor is about as cool as it can get. You went toe-to-toe with an illness that should take your life. You suffer through toxic treatments only to come back for more. This, just a couple of weeks after you swore off chemo. Then you patiently sit around and do scan after scan, test after test...all the while praying that there was a reduction in your tumor size. Guess what, next round! Lose your hair, hate food, lose weight, feel weak! All of these things make a cancer patient an unbelievable human being...one that can conquer any battle that life throws at them. For so long, I had hoped that Elizabeth would look to me for leadership and inspiration...but it is I that now turns to her for those same things. She is quite the woman - quite a wife, quite a mom, quite a friend! The best friend that I could ever hope for. 

Thanks for all the love and support. Again, it means the world to us! 


P.S. - She had a good day in case anyone was wondering :-D. She felt great - like normal. She'll be back at work tomorrow slicing and dicing hair. I know that she is excited to see everyone. 

As for the * earlier - many do not know that this little lady was a powerlifter in high school! I wasn't kidding when I said she was strong...like really strong. She was a Louisiana state and national powerlifting champion in the 97lb weight class (and 112lb or 114lb - something like that). I know, I was quite surprised myself. Her mom still has all the trophies and stuff. She's part loving, part ferocious beast! Haha. 


  1. You are a wonderful husband and certainly a great friend! Keep on keeping on...your strength (and of course Beth's) continues to amaze me! We want to come visit soon..hugs!

  2. Wow!!! So I am sitting on the deck in Florida reading my Bible and just praying for u guys! I find myself wanting more of gods word now more than ever because of this with her and u all. So I was in the middle of reading a psalm and decided to break BC I wanted to check the blog and I run across this! Of course now bawling crying LOL I know I'm a sap! I love u guys and am praying so hard!
