Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Creatures of habit (10/5)

For the past few weeks, our lives have been semi-chaotic. Between the doctors' visits, treatments, tests, family coming up to see us, etc., it seems as though we have been going 90 miles an hour. By going all out for the past few weeks, it has made them seem to drag on - like we've known about this for months. It just feels like we were on a runaway train for a while. That has all changed this week. I've gotten back to a normal routine at work and so has Elizabeth. She has been feeling great and has enjoyed both days at work so far. She came home last night with a huge smile on her face - which immediately told me that she was back to normal. Other than a little residual pain in her left shoulder from the portacath, I think that she is all healed up.

The girls seem to have slid right back into their routine as well. Lyla is doing great - great at causing us to lose sleep. Not sure why but she sure has chosen a really ideal time to get at twice a night. *Sigh* Anna is being a fantastic big sister. She helps out around the house and more than anything, she entertains Miss Lyla when we are busy. She has taken baths on her own and just acted a heck of a lot more mature than I thought she would. She is pretty amazing.

I named this entry "Creatures of habit" mainly because I think that is what makes us tick. Throw anyone into a situation that isn't routine and there will be an adjustment period needed - one that some deal with better than others. This little curveball has been anything but routine and has forced us to deviate from the norm...from the comfortable. That's why these past few days have been so great - we have slipped back into a little routine. A comfortable routine. I like this routine - I like this comfort, especially at a time like this. I know that things will be a little chaotic next week - I leave for a conference in San Antonio next Wednesday and Elizabeth has round 2 of chemo on Friday - but I am confident that we can get back to our comfort zone fairly quickly. We've done it so far and will do it again next time. At least that is the goal.

I want to thank everyone again for the kind thoughts and words. I know that Elizabeth has been anxious about getting back to work and getting back to her element. She loves her job so almost-scary type of love. But I am glad that it makes her happy and keeps her mind focused on things other than her illness. I am sure that the rest of the week will sail by and she'll be tired from overextending herself. Haha. That's her M.O. - who am I to argue? I'll lose that battle anyway so I'll just sit it out!

Lastly, here's a quote from Yogi Berra, the undisputed king of ridiculous quips:

"If you come to a fork in the road, take it!"

Ummm, huh? Which way should we go Yogi? Lol. Ahhh, he doesn't know! Anyway, it's I need to feed and bathe the girls before Elizabeth gets home! Creature of habit, ya know?!?

Until we meet again,


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