Sunday, October 2, 2011

Saturday and Sunday (10/2)

After a nice few days with my mom in town, I guess it's back to reality around here. Ha. She has been a big help and hopefully we won't need her for the time being. The family visits have been great so far and have really helped us try and get through the early parts of this treatment plan with as little difficulty as possible. As far as Elizabeth goes, she is feeling much better today. Yesterday was better than Friday - as Friday was a BEAR! I know that she felt bad all day and it just stinks watching someone you care so much about feel that way. She ate really well yesterday evening and had a nice night of sleep. She woke up in a good mood this morning and for that I am thankful. Anna even got to sleep with mommy last night as I took the couch. Anna was playing "loving mother" last night and she seemed like she needed to be there for Elizabeth. At least that's how she perceives things. Love that kid!

I know we wish things could have been different and we could have gotten to go to Josh and Rachel's wedding last night. Looked like a great time and we are both upset that we missed it. I hope that they had a great evening. Elizabeth and I wish them all the best in the world.

Elizabeth is off today and tomorrow and should be really rested for work this week. The future Friday treatments may present a bit more of a challenge but I think having Sunday-Tuesday off will be manageable. We'll just keep doing what we're doing...taking this thing one day at a time. I guess that what everyone has to do with a situation like this.

On another note...that LSU - Alabama game on November 5th is going to be EPIC. Man, these two teams are good. We are hoping for a nice cap to the football weekend here as the Saints kick off in a little while against the Jags.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Kiss your kids (or significant others) and tell them you love them. It means more than you could ever know.

'Til next time,



1 comment:

  1. We certainly missed u guys!!!!!!! We love the mess out of u guys so so amazed by her strength and Scott. ..what can I say..always been a fan but u have RAPIDLY been reaching top lists of one of my favorite people of course that amazing wife of yours is for sure!;) I love u guys and know we r here always! !!
