Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Another quick update 9/20

Just found out that Beth is scheduled to have her PET scan on Thursday morning at 7:30. This will go a long way into determining the stage that the cancer is at. We are, obviously, very hopeful that it is just a Stage II. I think that we'll probably get the Echo done that day as well. We are doing the bone marrow biopsy on Friday morning at 8:30. Say a little prayer for her this day. This is a fairly uncomfortable procedure and the hope is that the cancer hasn't spread to the marrow. My fingers are tightly crossed (along with my toes)!

The big news...chemo begins next Wednesday. (I am taking deep breaths just writing it!) This is what we want but the reality is slapping us square in the face! Well - time to take the bull by the horns. Grab a Bud Light cuz "Here We Go!"

Ok...last thing for the night. We have had soooo many people ask what they can do to help. So, Elizabeth's really dear friend, Misty O'Conner, set up a thing for people to bring meals to us during her treatments. Now listen...I am not sure if Misty thinks that my cooking will speed up her cancer progression or something. I'm starting to get offended. Not really! Haha. If you feel that you must do something like this then I suppose bringing Beth and the kiddos something to eat wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. The website is TakeThemAMeal.com - you'll have to search for our last name (that's NOEL (that's for you Bamber!!!) and use the password 9487. I am not that naive to believe that we couldn't use the help from time to time so if you want to do that - then I guess feel free to do so. We only like Ruth's Chris Filet Mignon...wink wink! Just kidding, of course. We'd appreciate anything (though your kind thoughts and prayers are best!)

Again, thanks for all the love and support. You guys and gals are the bestest!


1 comment:

  1. Oh Scott, I am so sad to hear this! But you are right yall have to fight this thing to the end. I don't know if you knew this, but Mandie Waguespack was diagnosed w/ Hodgkins in December on '08. I'm sure she'd love to talk to yall and let yall know about her experience and what's to come. She's doing great and recently had a beautiful baby girl, Audrey Jane. Let me know if you want her contact info. Keeping the whole family in my prayers! XOXO
    Emily Gautreau Landry
