Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Just a few thoughts! (9/21)

Interestingly, I never really set out to do a lot of posts on this blog. The main purpose was/is to update everyone on Elizabeth's condition. Having said that, I know that one day someone may be going through the same thing that we are so I thought it might be good to just do a little brain dump and let everyone know what's going through my mind as we approach the starting line.

Each day that passes with the news that your loved one has cancer brings a weird dynamic. I feel stronger yet more nervous. Maybe nervous is the wrong word - maybe its anxious. I have great faith that while this will be an arduous journey we will prevail. I am ready to start the journey and amazingly, Elizabeth is as well. She has been so strong through this process, it has left me stunned. You always look at others that are dealing with tragic things in their life and wonder how you would feel if you had to trade places with them. I've always, and I mean ALWAYS, been in awe of how people respond when diagnosed with cancer. It is like a braveness comes over them that astonishes me. I've felt that with Beth...she has taken the news like a champ. She's ready. Let's not get it twisted...we have our moments. But they are much further apart than I imagined.

So - I have to confess that I am slightly obsessed with being prepared for this ordeal. I can't begin to tell you how many blogs, journal articles, and message boards that I have read over the past few days. Ok, so I'm a nerd! I feel like there is so much I am missing even though I've read so much. I want to make sure that I am prepared...not so much with Elizabeth. I want to make sure that I stay steady and as close to grounded as I can be. It's almost an OCD-type condition. Haha. Man, I need to play a round of golf or something. What I have learned, though, is that everyone responds differently. So, we'll take it one day, one treatment, at a time. Seems like the best way to approach this.

For anyone that reads this one day and has a major issue in your life...remember to take a deep breath and realize that there are others who have been there and have pulled through. Every story that we read of those that have made it through cancer treatments and are living and loving life gives us a major jolt of inspiration. And each of these stories keeps the positive vibes flowing. That, combined with our trust in God, will see us through.

I want to continue to thank everyone for the support. I have talked, texted, emailed, facebooked (is that a word? Lol), and communicated via carrier pigeon (you know who you are...don't deny it!!!) with sooooo many people. You have all warmed my heart and filled Elizabeth and I with joy. You always feel that a lot a people are in your corner - and then something like this happens and you see this overwhelming show of support. It's insane! You all make us smile. Thanks to all for staying strong for us.

I'll try and leave with another good quote...this time from Winston Churchill. "Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference!" What a great quote for us to live by right now! We will stay upbeat and we promise to keep a great attitude about this illness.

Much love peeps,


P.S. - I didn't send any letters using a carrier pigeon. But it would be ultra-cool if I could, right?

1 comment:

  1. Scott - Your blogs are truly amazing! This is such a great way to keep us all informed about Elizabeth's journey. Thank you for your candid words. My family prays together for you all every night, and will continue to do so until this cancer is defeated!! We are right around the corner so please let us know how we can help. Madison would love to have Anna over whenever it works for you all. Love, Brenda, Jason, Kyle & Madison Berry
