Sunday, September 18, 2011

Diagnosis Update

Hi everyone. This is Scott - Elizabeth's husband for those that don't know. I wanted to start a blog so that we could keep everyone up to date on her status and the things that we are dealing with. I hope that you enjoy reading this blog because it won't be one of doom and gloom. We are tackling this thing head-on and we will beat this thing. I know Elizabeth is a very strong woman and she will have this minor setback licked in no time. On to the diagnosis...

It's Hodgkin's disease (aka Hodgkin Lymphoma). It seems to be the most rare form of lymphoma, but is most common for her age group. Luckily for us, the prognosis of Hodgkin's lymphoma is really good and it is a blessing that she doesn't have one of the many types of non-Hodgkin's. The cure rate is really outstanding so that has us in good spirits.

Recently, Elizabeth discovered that she had some swollen lymph nodes in her neck, specifically the one located behind her right collarbone. We saw a doctor and she began a round of antibiotics. There was no change so we went to see another doctor. He took a CT scan of her upper neck and chest and found a few of her lymph nodes enlarged. He couldn't biopsy it so we had it removed on Tuesday, September 13th. Then we played the waiting game. Unfortunately, on Saturday September 17th, Dr. Ellis called and broke the news to me...Hodgkin's Lymphoma. It certainly wasn't what I wanted to hear but I know deep down that this wasn't the worst news. I reluctantly waited until Elizabeth got home from work (I certainly didn't want her to drive home knowing this news) to tell her.

We talked for a good portion of the night. We had an interesting conversation but mainly focused on staying positive and remaining upbeat. We both know that positive thinking and prayer will keep us on the right track. We know we will beat this and that is the most important thing. I suppose that it is a good thing that we know people in the medical industry as we have several people that are trying to get us in at the West Clinic here in Memphis. We have heard great things about this clinic and are looking forward to meeting our doctor and determining the ideal treatment plan. I think that once we know what the path is then we will feel better about the whole thing.

So, that's where we stand - here on Sunday September 18th, 2011. We appreciate all of the kind words, support, and prayers. And when this is all said and done, we will look back on this journey as one that was a life-changing event. But this life-changing event will be one that makes us so much stronger.

Stay tuned folks - it's going to be a bumpy ride but we are ready. We love all of you very much. Please check back often because I will keep this blog updated so that everyone can just log on and check on Elizabeth. I'm already so proud of her and I can't imagine what I will feel over the coming months because she never ceases to amaze me.

Our best,

Scott and Elizabeth Noel

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