Wednesday, September 28, 2011

First day of chemo in the books (9/28)

Soooo....I know everyone is dying to know what the doctor said. Well, I said lots of things today! I know, a pat on the back to myself (Ph.D...not THAT kind of doctor, right?!?) Ok, ok, ok I give in. The oncologist came in (about 90 minutes late - surprise surprise!) and talked to us in his typical low-key, level-headed manner. This guy wouldn't change demeanor if the building was on least it seems that way! Ha. He first told us that there was no lymphoma detected in the bone marrow. Yay! Then he gave us the BUT! But we also did a PET scan and unfortunately there were enlarged, active lymph nodes in the neck (right side) and under her right armpit as well a few tumors in her chest, around her lungs. ANNNNDDDDD....just spill it already Doc! Fortunately there were no signs of lymphoma in her abdomen, groin, organs! Sweet! Elizabeth and I were both ready for at least Stage IIA. That's what we were praying for! Ask and (sometimes) ye shall receive! He said the nodes in her neck were very small - he wouldn't have even recommended getting the ones on her left neck biopsied because they were so small. He said that we caught the cancer early and that her chances of a full cure were really good...90+% or so.

The long wait was worth the news, all things considered. Although it may seem strange to others, we feel blessed that this was the news today. I can't begin to thank everyone for their support of Elizabeth. She has been such an inspiration to me and I hope that one day her fight will help others in her situation...she will have such a great story to tell! Dr. Pallera stated the same thing we were initially hoping for...3 months of AVBD! And I made a mistake a few posts ago. Apparently ABVD will be given all at once every two weeks. Not the AB on day 1 and then VD two weeks later. All at once - oh joy! He wants to do another scan in 6 weeks and another after the cycles are over. If all goes well, then radiation would start within a month of the end of chemo. However, we will meet with the radiologist and go over the risks of radiation versus a few more months of chemo. Still a toss up for me but we'll just see how she feels after the first 3 months.

I must say, the people at West Clinic are AMAZING! From the nurses to techs to patients...all wonderful! I suppose that it helps that the patients are all going through a similar situation. They are all willing to share their stories and give advice. What a blessing to have people so willing to make your journey that much more comforting! Truly an experience that we will never forget. I can assure everyone of this...cancer patients are some of the strongest human beings on this earth! Maybe not brute force but inner strength that can only be called upon in the most dire of times! When all things seem to be dark around them, somehow they see that little ray of light and focus solely on it. For that ray of light is hope and without hope then they are just existing...not living.

So, in closing for today, our journey (mainly Elizabeth's but I'll tag along) begins! We are hopeful that everything turns out like we want but are ready to take things in stride should something go off-course. We have the greatest family and friends that anyone could ask for! Believe me, your thoughts and prayers are making quite an impression on Elizabeth! We can't say thanks enough!

I'll drop in the next post to give everyone the 411 on how she feels over the next few days! I suppose chemo won't be all that fun but we are 16.67% of the way home! I know, I know...I'm a freaking math nerd! Oh well, you guys love that! That's it for tonight. Check back soon!

Again, with much love,



  1. Only 4 mins after u post ha ha I'm obsessed!!! So incredibly happy to hear today's news! Your right with EVERYTHING said in ur blog! Just like she said in her first some things only God knows why. .I certainly believe that God is using her for his glory and to be a witness! There is no one like her and so so so many strive to be like her! What better way than to learn from her battle! You guys are amazing and certainly encourage me and I want u to know I pray and think of u always. is updated: ) I even gave the blog info tonight; ) love u guys!!!

  2. I'm not sure if "congratulations" is the right word, but I'm so glad for the staging. It sounds very promising... 90% or better is great news. Eliz, I hope the chemo doesn't hit you too hard and you're feeling ok in the next few days! Love you much!

    Kristen :)

  3. Yes...90% or better is AMAZING news! Praying for you...God is Good!!
