Monday, September 19, 2011

Quick update 9/19

Hi everyone - quick update. I thought we'd be able to see the doctor today but no dice. However, we have an appointment with Dr. Pallera tomorrow at 12:30. We are so thankful to have great friends and family that made this appointment happen so quickly. Special thanks to our aunt, Danita, and Tiffany for making the calls and getting us in at West Clinic.

And to everyone that has said a prayer for Elizabeth or kept her in your thoughts - we can't say thank you enough. We've talked to so many people and can just feel the outpouring of support. We appreciate it so much.

Keep your eyes peeled for the next update...hopefully tomorrow afternoon. We can't wait to meet Dr. Pallera and start our road to recovery.

Thanks and much love!


  1. Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow. Please let ne know how today goes. Love you all!

  2. Hey Scott and Beth!! Just wanted to let y'all know how much we are thinking about you. Sending lots of prayers. I know how strong you are Beth and you will fight this.

    You guys have inspired all of us and we love you.

    Please let me know if there is ANYTHING we can do for y'all. I know both families and all your friends are there but if there is anything we can possibly do for you, I would love to help.

    Love you,

    Rebecca and Eric
